EnjoyOntario.ca > Main Street Unionville
Main Street Unionville
Location: Town of Markham, Ontario, Canada
All along historic Main Street Unionville, the street has structures that are virtually unchanged from its founding in 1794.
Renowned for its pubs, parks, restaurants, and its historical European view, the road also hosts the annual Unionville Festival, which draws several thousand visitors to the town.
The historic village or downtown section of Unionville is typical of a small town that developed over a century or so starting in the early 1840s (when Ira White erected his Union Mills) through the middle to late 20th century.
The historic Main Street Unionville attracts thousands of visitors each year. (source: wikipedia.org)
Old Firehall Confectionery
170 Main Street, 905-415-9192
Within this historic building you'll find a wide range of handmade confections including chocolates, truffles, fudge, candy apples and sponge toffee. Enjoy a wide selection of soft ice cream and hard ice cream. Your taste buds
will be tantalized by the exquisite tastes and aromas from this store! |
Free parking in the large parking lot behind the merchants on the east side of Main Street Unionville. There are also several "bullpen" parking lots behind the merchants on the west side of Main Street Unionville.
Points Of Interest
Refreshments / Snacks:
Sights of Interest:
- Strolling
- Dining
- Shopping
Map & Directions
From East: Drive along Hwy 7 East, at Warden Ave continue eastward 2.1km, go over railway tracks, turn left at stoplights at Main Street Unionville., continue north
for 0.5km, just past Victoria Street look for green "P" parking sign at right.
From West: Drive along Hwy 7 East, at Kennedy Road continue westward 0.5km, turn left at stoplights at Main Street Unionville, continue northward for 0.5km, just past Victoria
Street look for green "P" parking sign at right.
From North: Drive south on Kennedy Road to 16th Ave, continue southward 0.3km, turn right at Birchview Lane (first road on your right), continue 59m and turn left at Main Street Unionville (first road on
your left), continue 0.9km south, (go over small bridge) turn left onto Carlton Road, continue 65m east and turn right into parking lot (green "P" parking sign at right).
From South: Drive north on Kennedy Road, turn left at Hwy 7 east, continue eastward 0.5km, turn right at stoplights at Main Street Unionville, continue northward for 0.5km, just past Victoria
Street look for green "P" parking sign at right.
Contact & Address
Unionville BIA
Box 64711
Unionville, ON, L3R 0M9
Telephone: 905-477-0117 |
Note: "Unionville", not "Markham" !!!
South end of historic Main Street Unionville:
GPS address:
"140 Main St, Unionville, Ontario"
Latitude: 43º 51' 54.6" N (43.8651666)
Longitude: 79º 18' 38.21" W (-79.3106138)
North end of historic Main Street Unionville:
GPS address:
"212 Main St, Unionville, Ontario"
Latitude: 43º 52' 8.79" N (43.8691083)
Longitude: 79º 18' 44.17" W (-79.3122694)
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